Credent Wealth Welcomes Bill Hoover As Latest Partner: Click here to learn about the newest partner capitalizing on the Wealth Creation Story.
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Investments and Financial Planning

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Scale Your Investments

Experience is everything. Our focus is on the client experience. This is why we created our own Credent financial framework that remains truly independent and unbiased: because we believe our fiduciary duty is to our clients – not Wall Street.

We’re able to remain grounded in objectivity and focus solely on increasing the success of each client’s financial goals.

We’re proud to offer clients lower fees and our advisors higher benefits.


Utilize our Advanced Planning Team.

Be paired with an expert from Credent’s dedicated Advanced Planning Team, designed to collaborate and help enhance your client experience. Through our ensemble team model, we work together to create strategies and address problems for our clients.

More Time and Flexibility

With the support of our investment and financial planning teams, you're now freed up to do more of what you love.

Exponential Growth

Shift the economic gain to yourself and away from Wall Street. With Credent, you can capitalize on your life's work.


Less Hassle

You didn't choose this career path to do payroll or worry about compliance. Let your expanded team handle that.

More Living Life

What's the point of success without enjoying the merits of your life's work? Live with more purpose and significance.